
A Tea Blend for the Autumnal Equinox

    I've recently made up a tea blend inspired by the Autumnal Equinox, and I'm LOVING it! This spicy rosehip black tea captures both sides to this time of year: as the tail end of summer, it's often still warm, but it's also sometimes tending autumnal by not, so this works either hot or cold. [Continue reading...]

Australian Herbal Grimoire Printables

    So one of the things that’s been a massive part of my practice, especially as an Aussie witch, has been adapting my craft to where I am. It’s really hard to find witchy info on Australian flora, so I recently decided to make up some printable grimoire pages of a few! [Continue reading...]

Disabled Witchery

    So for reference: I’m autistic, have ADHD/depression/anxiety/insomnia, and have mobility issues, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. My witchcraft is more recent than all of these (about 3yrs now), so I’ve not really adapted a practice to my limitations, but I’ve created my own practice which thus works around them, and these are some of the things I've learned. [Continue reading...]

My Secular/Localised Wheel of the Year

    Ya gal finally finished her secular and locally-appropriate wheel of the year! Honestly the biggest challenge for me was replacing the Wiccan/Neo-Pagan cross-quarter names, particularly doing so in a way that doesn’t specify a singular date (eg ‘May Day’, or the Aussie equivalent of ‘Novey Eve’). [Continue reading...]

I'm Not Really a 'Ritual' Person, But...

    … I just spent my entire night (from late afternoon until 3am?) designing and preparing for ritual. When I was first accepted as a Candidate with the Ancient Order of Druids, I felt that the Vernal Equinox was going to be the time to perform my (self)initiation. [Continue reading...]

My Magical Books

    As a lifelong stationery and notebook addict, and someone who best processes and connects with information by writing it out by hand, physical notebooks are an important part of recording my practice. As an autistic information-hoarder who can be quite obsessive about how that information is organised, digital systems also have an important place. I don’t think either option is inherently better or worse than another - it’s important to experiment with different things to see what works best for you and your purposes! Currently, these are the books that I’m using to record my magical practice.. [Continue reading...]

Writing About Herbal Correspondences: Sheoak

    Most witchy resources are really Euro-centric and/or US-focused, which means there’s very very little information on magical uses of native Australian plants. As such, I’ve been working on my own grimoire of Aussie herbs. I’ve noticed during this process that most resources just give you a list of associations and leave it at that, so I thought I’d share some of the reasoning behind things as well. I hope this might help some folks get better understandings of some plants’ existing/traditional associations, as well as helping to create some of your own. [Continue reading...]

Working on my Wheel of the Year

    I’ve slowly been working on my wheel of the year over the past couple years, and this it’s latest incarnation. [Continue reading...]

Advice for Beginners

    I recently made this post for the influx of beginners to some witchy aminos, but thought I’d share here in case it’s helpful as well. It can definitely be overwhelming when you’re new to everything and really don’t even know where to start, so I thought I’d put together a few pointers to hopefully help out on your way. [Continue reading...]

House Cleansing Powder

    I have a rent inspection coming up in a few days*. The past few days, my health/pain have been pretty rubbish, so I haven’t actually been able to start the cleaning yet, but it did inspire me to make a cleansing powder for when I can! This is something that’s been on my to-do list for a while - a powder with multi-level benefits: to both deodorise the carpets, and give the space an extra energetic deep-clean! [Continue reading...]

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