
Aka: Winter Solstice, Yule (Germanic), Alban Arthan (neo-Druidic)

Traditional Date: Late June (21-23ish) (NH: late December)
2023 Astronomical Date: June 21 (NH: December 22)*

Themes: Introspection, inner strength, home and family.

Moon Phase: New Moon
Colours: Gold, dark blue, green, dark colours
Botanicals: White Geraldton wax, cinnamon, frankincense, ginger, juniper, nutmeg, rosemary, sage
Incense: Frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, sandalwood
Crystals: Garnet, pyrite, ruby, dark green crystals

Foods: Gingerbread, mulled cider/wine, root vegetables

The winter solstice in Australia has always felt like a weird one to me. Most of us have grown up with ideas of winter from cooler climes - a time of scarcity, where the land goes to sleep, and cold and lack of food become severe risks (to wildlife and our pre-industrial ancestors).

But in Australia, winter is often a welcome respite from the oppressive heat of summer. It’s a break from bushfires, the wet/storm season that bring floods to the north, and the rain beginning in the south brings growth and abundance.

I feel like Australian winters can be a time of activity or rest, but either way, they’re the perfect time to take stock, and prepare for the year ahead (whether that looks more active or introspective), and to enjoy some cosiness and comfort!

Next: Quickening


*: Southern Hemisphere dates based on Perth, WA (GMT+8); Northern Hemisphere dates based on GMT. Find the date/time based on your location here.