Origin: Asia and the Mediterranean region
Family: Lamiaceae
Scientific Name: Salvia rosmarius
Folk Names: Compass weed, dew of the sea, elf leaf, guardrobe, incensier, libanotis, polar plant, rosmaris, rosmarine, rosemarie, sea dew
Element: Fire
Day: Sunday
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Associated Celebrations: ShadowFest,
Deities: Athena, Kupala
Magical Properties: Cleansing, exorcism, healing, intellect, love, lust, protection, purification, remembrance, sleep, vitality, youth.
Substitutions: Can be used in place of any other herb.
Magical Uses:
- Hung up it wards off thieves.
- Wear a chaplet of rosemary to aid the memory.
- Burn rosemary and juniper as a healing and recuperation incense.
- The smoke is purifying - Combine it with sage for smoke cleansing.
- Add rosemary to protective foods, especially those utilizing tomatoes.
- It’s used for both weddings and funerals due to its associations with love and remembrance.
- It has connections with the sea and so is used in all sea rituals, as well as in sachets designed to ensure a safe, easy passage on the water.
- A good protective sachet for boat or ship passengers can be made up of rosemary, garlic (to stop storms), and mistletoe (to guard against lightning storms).
Part Used: Leaves
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Flash Point: 43°C
Scent Type: Herbaceous
Perfume Note: Middle/top
Scent Description: Crisp, minty-herbaceous, with a woody undertone
Aromatherapeutic Uses
- Rosemary oil on the forehead is said to strengthen memory and clarity of thought.
- Rosemary essential oil has a stimulating aroma that relieves fatigue and strengthens an exhausted mind.
- Should not be used on or around children under 5: can result in suffocation due to paralysing of autonomic nervous system functions.
- Not safe for use for folks with epilepsy/seizure disorders or high blood pressure.
- Avoid during pregnancy.
- Can be a skin irritant: use only in low dilutions.
In the Garden
Type: Perennial
Sow: Spring
Light: Bright light
Water: Keep moderately dry
Soil: Well-drained
Companion Planting: Sage, garlic
- Do not over-water seedlings
- Feed only after flowering