
Origin: Europe to central Asia
Family: Lamiaceae
Subfamily: Nepetoideae
Tribe: Mentheae
Scientific Name: Mentha piperita
Folk Names: Balm mint, brandy mint, lammint
Element: Fire
Direction: North
Day: Thursday
Planet: Pluto
Zodiac: Gemini
Magical Properties: Exorcism, psychic skills, sexuality, sleep, luck, purification
Substitutions: Spearmint
Magical Uses
- Its presence raises the vibrations of an area.
- Peppermint worn at the wrist assures that you will not be ill.
- Add fresh peppermint to your altar to attract positive spirits.
- Peppermint has long been used in healing potions and purification spells.
- Peppermint tea has been used as far back as ancient Greece to stimulate lust.
- Place peppermint leaves beneath your pillow to encourage prophetic dreams.
- Use a peppermint infusion to wash furniture, walls, and floorboards to cleanse them of evil and negativity.
- Its bright green leaves and crisp scent lead to its use in money spells and prosperity spells, the easiest of which is to place a few leaves in the wallet or purse, or rub where your money is kept.
Part Used: Leaves
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Flash Point: 66°C
Scent Type: Herbaceous
Perfume Note: Top
Scent Description: Fresh, cool, minty aroma, slightly spicy
Active Constituents: Menthol (up to 50%) and menthone (up to 45%)
Aromatherapeutic Use
Blends well with: Eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, and rosemary
- Avoid during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
- Should not be used on or around children under 7: can result in suffocation due to paralysing of autonomic nervous system functions.
- Not safe for use for folks with high blood pressure.
- Can cause skin irritation and chemical burns: use diluted to under 1%.
- Inhaling large amounts can lead to dizziness, confusion, nausea, double vision, muscle weakness, and other symptoms.
- Do not add to baths.