
Origin: Europe, nothern Africa, central Asia
Family: Santalaceae
Scientific Name: Viscum album
Folk Names: All-heal, birdlime, common mistletoe, devil’s fuge, English mistletoe, European mistletoe, golden bough, herbes de la croix, holy wood, lignum crucis, mistle, mystyldene, witches broom, wood of the cross
Element: Air
Day: Sunday
Planet: Sun,
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Associated Celebrations: WinSol
Deities: Apollo, Freya, Frigga, Odin, Venus
Parts used: Plant
Magical Properties: Protection, healing, divination, psychic dreams, fertility, rebirth
The druids harvested mistletoe on Midsummer’s Day (or when the Moon is six days old). One stroke of a gold sickle was used to cut the herb, and it wasn’t allowed to touch the ground.
Magical Uses
- Wear mistletoe around your neck for invisibility.
- Carry mistletoe to aid in concieving a pregnancy.
- Wear a ring carved of mistletoe to ward of sickness.
- If you kiss your beloved beneath mistletoe, you’ll stay in love.
- Use mistletoe to protect against lightning, disease, fires, and misfortune of every kinds.
- Carry mistletoe in yourself to speed the healing of fresh wounds (nb: do not apply to the wound).
- To encourage restful sleep and pleasant dreams, lay mistletoe near the bedroom door, place it beneath the pillow, or hang it from the headboard.