References and Further Reading
Basile, Lisa Marie (2018); Light Magic for Dark Times, Quarto Publishing
Furie, Michael (2014); Supermarket Magic, Llewellyn Publications
Lipp, Deborah (2007); The Study of Witchcraft: A Guidebook to Advanced Wicca, Red Wheel/Weiser
NicGarran, Bree (2017); Grovedaughter Witchery - THE beginners/basic witchcraft book I recommend the most highly and heartily
Australian Witchcraft
Brett, Julie (2017); Australian Druidry: Connecting With the Sacred Landscape, Pagan Portals
Jenwytch: An Aussie Wytch’s Book of Correspondences
Leorna, Inga (2012-2017); Australis Incognita
Australian Plants
Taran: An Australian Ogham. OBOD (Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids):
White, Ian: Australian Bush Flower Essences
WA/South-West Plants
Barnao, Vasudeva and Kadambii: Living Essences Australia
Barrett, Russell, and Tay, Eng Pin (2016); Perth Plants, CSIRO Publishing
Hansen, Vivienne (2016); Noongar Bush Medicine, UWA Publishing
Hansen, Vivienne (2019); Noongar Bush Tucker, UWA Publishing
SERCUL (South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare Inc. Western Australia): Bush Tucker Plants for your Home Garden
Western Australian Herbarium: FloraBase: the Western Australian Flora
Australian Seasons (South-West)
Australian Bureau of Meterology: Indigenous Weather Knowledge - Noongar Seasons
Edith Cowan University: Kurongkurl Katitjin Centre - Noongar Seasons
Australian Sabbats
Billinghurst, Frances (2012); Dancing the Sacred Wheel, TDM Publishing
Spheres of Light (2020); Southern Hemisphere Sabbat Dates
Gardening in Australia
Biggs, Matthew; Flowerdew, Bob & McVicar, Jekka(2016); Complete Book of Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruit in Australia; Simon & Schuster
Green Witchcraft Equinox, Solstice, & Cross-Quarter Moments
Culpeper, Nicholas (1653); The Complete Herbal.
Cunningham, Scott (1982); Magical Herbalism: The Secret Craft of the Wise; Llewellyn Publications
De Cleene, Marcel & Lejeune, Marie Claire (1999). Compendium of Symbolic and Ritual Plants in Europe (Vol. II: Herbs). Man & Culture Publishers.
Dioscorides (c. 50-70 CE); De Materia Medica.
Harrison, Karen (2020); The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook; Red Wheel/Weiser
Pliny the Elder (77CE); Naturalis Historia.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Plants of the World Online
Blackthorn, Amy (2018); Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic: The Green Witch’s Guide to Essential Oils for Spellcraft, Ritual, and Healing; Red Wheel/Weiser
Kynes, Sandra (2013); Mixing Essential Oils for Magic: Aromatic Alchemy for Personal Blends; Llewellyn Publications
Roth, Harold (2017); The Witching Herbs: 13 Essential Plants and Herbs for Your Magical Garden; Red Wheel/Weiser
Schiller, Carol; Schiller, David (2008); The Aromatherapy Encyclopedia; Basic Health Publications
Worwood, Valerie Ann (2016); The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy; New World Library
Galper, Amy; Daigneault, Christina (2018); Plant-Powered Beauty; BenBella Books
Medicinal Herbalism
Fisher, Carole (2009); Materia Medica of Western Herbs; Aeon Books
Griggs, Barbara (2013); Herbal Remedies A-Z; Infinite Ideas
Kitchen Witchcraft
Blackthorn, Amy (2020); Blackthorn’s Botanical Brews: Herbal Potions, Magical Teas, Spirited Libations; Red Wheel/Weiser
Cunningham, Scott (1990); Wicca in the Kitchen; Llewellyn Publications
Daniel, Marilyn E. (2002); Kitchen Witchery; Red Wheel/Weiser
Soraya (2011); The Kitchen Witch; Geddes & Grosset
Cottage Witchcraft
Franklin, Anna (2017); The Hearth Witch’s Compendium; Llewellyn Publications
Druidry and the Ogham
Brewer, Gregory Michael (2019); The Ancient Magick of Trees; Llewellyn Publications
Forest, Danu (2014); Celtic Tree Magic; Llewellyn Publications
Greer, John Michael (2021); The Druidry Handbook; Red Wheel/Weiser
Hidalgo, Sharlyn (2019); Celtic Tree Rituals, Llewellyn Publications
Laurie, Erynn Rowan (2011); Ogam: Weaving Word Wisdom; Smashwords
Atsma, Aaron (2001-2011); Theoi Project;
Collaborative Resources