
A few of power, creation, death, and rebirth.

Pronunciation: OOR
Letter/Sound: U
Meaning: Earth/Soil
Aicme: 4 (Earth)


Tree/Plant: Heather
Scientific Name: Calluna vulgaris

Colour: usghda, resinous (reddish-amber)
Bird: Uiseoc, lark
Animal: Urcuil, cricket
Tool: Usca, heather brush
Art: Umaideacht, brasswork

Element: Air of Earth

Symbolism: Death, Earth, spirit work, cycles, fate, finality, grief, mortality, ancestral work, land spirits, offerings, sacrifice, release, removing unwanted influences.


Ur represents death and finality, and reminds us of the need to move forward.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: What in my life is passing away? What must I leave behind?