A few of courage, conflict, and opposition.
Pronunciation: CHIN-yuh
Letter/Sound: T
Meaning: Iron/ingot
Aicme: 2 (Fire)
Tree/Plant: Holly
Scientific Name: Ilex aquifolium
Colour: Temen, dark grey
Bird: Truiteoc, starling
Animal: Torc, boar
Tool: Tal, adze (a style of axe)
Art: Tornoracht, lathe-work
Symbolism: Mastery, prosperity, creativity,/creation (transformation of materials), craftsmanship, technology, technical skill, martial arts, mastery of a skill/domain.
Upright meaning:
- A change of fortune.
- Victory against the odds.
- Decisive action is favored.
- Conflict, challenge, struggle against opposing forces.
Reversed meaning:
- Creative block.
- Lack of direction and balance.
- Inadequate strength or skill, the possibility of defeat.
- You need to build your strength and understand the nature of the opposition.
Question: How do I express my creativity? What is my relationship with work and prosperity?