
A few of grace, fluidity, receptivity, and response.

Pronunciation: SAHL-yuh
Letter/Sound: S
Meaning: Willow
Aicme: 1 (Air)


Tree/Plant: Willow
Scientific Name: Salix caprea

Colour: Sodath, ‘fine-coloured’ (pale yellow)
Bird: Segh, hawk
Animal: Sionnach, fox
Tool: Srathar, pack saddle
Art: Sairsi, handicrafts

Element: Water of Air

Symbolism: Flow, Otherworld contact, confidence in times of doubt, easing pain, water, the moon, intuition, visions, emotion, psychic workings, balance, harmony, poetry, ancestors, timing and tides, looking inward for answers.


Willow helps us tune in with the wisdom from otherworld sources and dreams, and is connected with altered states of consciousness. Willow encourages flexibility, forgiveness, compassion, and following the heart’s wisdom.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: Where am I resisting the flow of my life? Am I listening to the world around me?