A few of transformation and healing.
Pronunciation: NYEH-tal
Letter/Sound: Ng
Meaning: Wound / Charm
Aicme: 3 (Water)
Tree/Plant: Broom
Scientific Name: Cytisus scoparius
Colour: Nglas, verdant green
Bird: Ngéigh, goose
Animal: Ngearr, hare
Tool: Ngend, wedge
Art: Ngibae, sculpting
Symbolism: Healing, balance, physical & emotional wounds, preventative healthcare, imbalance, chronic illness, regeneration, the wounded healer.
Ngetal reminds us of the importance of health, and the many facets involved.
Upright meaning:
- A message or an opportunity.
- Healing, change for the better.
- You are not yet finished with your work.
- Swiftness, sudden movement, instability.
- Focus on healing (your own, or someone else’s).
Reversed meaning:
- Patience.
- A need for healing.
- You are not yet ready to begin.
- Stuck in a rut, inability to act.
Question: Where am I wounded? What in my life requires healing?