
A few of insight and inspiration.

Pronunciation: MUHN
Letter/Sound: M
Meaning: Love / Esteem / Trickery / Throat/Back
Aicme: 3 (Water)


Tree/Plant: Vine (grape)
Scientific Name: Vitis vinifera

Colour: Mbracht, variegated/speckled (often plaid)
Bird: Mintan, titmouse
Animal: Muc, sow
Tool: Machad (meaning uncertain, possibly milk-bucket)
Art: Milaideacht, soldiering

Element: Spirit of Water

Symbolism: Communication, love, esteem, trickery, deceit, flattery, persuasion, desire, work/effort, burdens, self-expression, finding your voice.


Muin reminds us of the importance of voice, and to be cautious about whether they’re being used in a positive or negative/deceptive way.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: How do I communicate with others? How do I interpret what they are saying to me?