
A few of protection, discernment, and clarity.
Pronunciation: LWEESH
Letter/Sound: L
Meaning: Herb / Flame
Aicme: 1 (Air)
Tree/Plant: Rowan
Scientific Name: Sorbus aucuparia
Colour: Liath, grey
Bird: Lachu, duck
Animal: Luchog, mouse
Tool: Loman, rope
Art: Luamnacht, sailing
Symbolism: Inspiration, magical protection, insight, animals, warding, magical work, need for more effort.
Rowan reminds us to seek inspiration, healing, and nourishment.
Upright meaning:
- Strengthen your shields.
- A choice between two paths.
- Clarity and attention to details.
- Concentration on the task at hand.
- You may be facing challenges to your strength, patience, or integrity.
Reversed meaning:
- Lack of defenses.
- Something is not what it appears to be.
- Confusion, uncertainty, deception, delusion.
- Someone may be misleading you, or you may be misleading yourself.
Question: What inspires me? How do I use that inspiration?