
A few of tenacious purpose and indirect progress.
Pronunciation: GORT
Letter/Sound: G
Meaning: Garden
Aicme: 3 (Water)
Tree/Plant: Ivy
Scientific Name: Helix hedera
Colour: Gorm, sky blue
Bird: Geis, swan
Animal: Grainneog, hedgehog
Tool: Gat, withe
Art: Gaibneacht, blacksmithing
Symbolism: Growth, abundance, agriculture, fertility, protection/safety, meditation, cultivation, sanctuary, hard work, hospitality, nourishing, rest, gratitude.
Gort reminds us that nature provides enough for all. She makes large grassy fields for kings, to hold gatherings, to race upon, and to nourish their horses, and ivy to feed the widow’s herd. When the grasses stop blooming, she gives ivy blossoms to the bees.
Upright meaning:
- A difficult but viable path.
- Purpose, determination, self-control.
- Remember that all things in creation have their place.
- Slow and indirect progress, movement by roundabout paths.
Reversed meaning:
- Something unwanted may be growing.
- Think twice about what you are doing, and why.
- Entanglement in circumstances, or in your own egotism.
Question: Where is my safe space to grow? How do I cultivate my highest self?