
A few of oracular guidance, protection, and transitions between realms.

Pronunciation: FAIR-n
Letter/Sound: F/V
Meaning: Alder
Aicme: 1 (Air)


Tree/Plant: Alder
Scientific Name: Alnus glutinosa

Colour: Flann, blood red
Bird: Faelinn, seagull
Animal: Faol, wolf
Tool: Fidba, hedge-bill (a hooked-blade tool used for trimming hedges)
Art: Filidecht, bardic poetry

Element: Earth of Air

Symbolism: Protection, courage, passion, Mars, emotional healing, physical healing, shielding, defense, facing obstacles, warriors/military, hunting, emotional protection, finding strength to face challenges.


Alder reminds us to build bridges in the face of conflict, rather than allowing ourselves to be storm-tossed on the seas of passion.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: How do I shelter myself? What do I contain?