
A few of perserverance, courage, and hard work.

Pronunciation: EH-yuh
Letter/Sound: E
Meaning: Amanita
Aicme: 4 (Earth)


Tree/Plant: Aspen
Scientific Name: Populus tremuloides

Colour: Erc, red-speckled
Bird: Ela, whistling swan
Animal: Each, horse
Tool: Epit, billhook (a hooked-blade tool used for trimming tree limbs)
Art: Enaireacht, bird-hunting

Element: Water of Earth

Symbolism: Visions, psychic skills, spirit work, divination, dreamwork, meditation, illusions, altered states of consciousness.


Eadha is a few of enlightemnent, the tools used to achieve such states, and the need for the skill to traverse such states and determine truth from illusion.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: How do I see the world? What gifts do my insights bring?