
A few of power, protection, and positive change.

Pronunciation: DOO-er
Letter/Sound: D
Meaning: Oak
Aicme: 2 (Fire)


Tree/Plant: Oak
Scientific Name: Quercus spp.

Colour: Dubh, black
Bird: Droen, wren
Animal: Damh, stag
Tool: Dabach, cask
Art: Druidheacht, Druidry

Element: Fire of Fire

Symbolism: Strength, truth, justice, longevity, protection from lightning, insight, deity, storms, foundations, sacred places.


Duir reminds us to stay centered and balanced, with our roots in the ground and our head in the spiritual skies.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: What are my greatest strengths? How do I use those strengths?