
A few of knowledge, creativity, and inspiration.

Pronunciation: CULL
Letter/Sound: C
Meaning: Hazel
Aicme: 2 (Fire)


Tree/Plant: Hazel
Scientific Name: Corylus avellana

Colour: Crón, brown
Bird: Corr, crane
Animal: Cat, cat
Tool: Carr, wagon
Art: Cruitireacht, harping

Element: Water of Fire

Symbolism: Wisdom, insight, intuition, creativity, abundance, clarity through divination, fulfilment, bounty, higher perspective, straight to the source, cauldron of wisdom. Connected to the Bardic mysteries.


Coll reminds us to seek for the source of things, the origins of a situation or problem, and the ultimate Source of all being.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: Where does my wisdom lie? How do I make proper use of my wisdom?