
A few of beginnings and purification.

Pronunciation: BEH
Letter/Sound: B
Meaning: Birch
Aicme: 1 (Air)


Tree/Plant: Birch
Scientific Name: Betula alba

Colour: Bán, dull white
Bird: Besan, pheasant
Animal: Bo, cow
Tool: Biaill, axe
Art: Bethumnacht, livelihood (basic life skills)

Element: Spirit of Air

Symbolism: Purification, beginnings, youth, cleansing, creativity, writing, renewal, self-discipline, self-sacrifice, involvement of children, dedication to the greater good.


Birch reminds us to act cleanly in a situation, to avoid distractions and to get the job done.

Upright meaning:

Reversed meaning:

Question: How do I prepare myself for my life? Where do I need discipline?