
Origin: Afrida, Asia, Australia, Europe

Family: Verbenaceae
Scientific Name: Verbena officinalis

Folk Names: Blue vervain, brittanica, common verbena, enchanter’s plant, herba sacra, herb of enchantment, herb of grace, herb of the cross, holy herb, iron-herb, Juno’s tears, mosquito plant, pigeon-grass, pigeonwood, simpler’s joy, verbena, vervan, wild hyssop


Element: Earth
Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Zodiac: Taurus
Associated Celebrations: Midsummer
Deities: Aradia, Isis, Juno, Jupiter, Kerridwen, Mars, Thor, Venus

Parts used: Plant

Magical Properties: Cleansing, purification, clairvoyance, divination, protection, love


Ancient Rome: Bundles of vervain were used to cleanse the altars in Jupiter’s temples.

It was believed that carrying vervain could bring everlasting youth.

Magical Uses