
Origin: Most continents
Family: Rosaceae
Subfamily: Rosoideae
Tribe: Rubeae
Genus: Rubus
Sub-Genus: Mostly Idaeobatus
Folk Names: Bramble of Mount Ida, European raspberry, hindberry, raspbis, red reapberry
Element: Water
Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Zodiac: Cancer
Associated Celebrations: SunSol
Parts used: Berries, leaves, plant
Magical Properties: Protection, love, happiness, fertility, purification, pregnancy
Substitutions: Rose
Magical Uses
- Use raspberry in love-inducing foods.
- Carry leaves while pregnant to alleviate the pains associated with pregnancy and childbirth.
- Hang raspberry branches at the doors and windows to the house for protection, and to prevent the spirits of the recently-deceased from re-entering once they’ve left.