Black Pepper

Origin: South India
Family: Piperaceae
Scientific Name: Piper nigrum
Folk Names: Peppercorn (fruits), piper
Element: Fire
Day: Tuesday
Planet: Mars
Zodiac: Aries
Associated Celebrations: AutEx
Deities: Ares, Hecate, Mars, the Morrigan
Magical Properties: Protection, courage, exorcism, purification, strength, clarity, banishing
Substitutions: Chilli
Magical Uses
- Use pepper in protective amulets.
- Wear pepper to free the mind of envious thoughts.
- Mix with salt and scatter around the home to protect from and dispel evil.
Part Used: Berries
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Flash Point: 50°C
Scent Type: Spicy
Perfume Note: Middle/base
Scent Description: Warm, spicy, and strong
Aromatherapeutic Uses
Warming and stimulating: good for muscular aches/pains, sprains, arthritis, and promoting circulation.
- Avoid during pregnancy.
- Can cause skin irritation: use only in extremely low dilutions.
- Sensitising: use sparingly. Overuse can cause kidney damage.
Type: Woody vine
Plant Height: 4m
Leaves: 5-10cm long, 3-6cm across
Flowers: Small flowers on long, hanging spikes
Fruit: 5mm dark red fruit with a central seed
Etymology: Pepper comes from the Sanskrit pippali (long pepper)