
Origin: Tropical and subtropical regions of Eurasia, Oceania
Family: Oleaceae
Scientific Name: Jasminum spp., particularly Jasminum officinale
Folk Names: Jessamin, moonlight on the grove, moonshine in the garden, Queen of the Night, yasmin
Note: Many plants share the common name of ‘jasmine’ despite being unrelated. Eg ‘star jasmine’ (the most common jasmine in Australian gardens/plantings) is Trachelospermum jasminoides, which belongs to the dogbane family (Apocynaceae).
Element: Water
Day: Monday
Planet: Moon & Venus
Moon phase: Full moon
Zodiac: Cancer, Pisces
Associated Celebrations: Floralia,
summer solstice
Deities: Artemis, Diana, moon goddesses
Magical Properties: Love, sexuality, happiness, spirituality, purification, romantic love, success
Substitutions: Rose, ylang-ylang
Jasmine’s white, night-flowering habit makes it a classic moon plant, while its pleasant, intoxicating fragrance also heavily associates it with Venus.
Jasmine has a long history of use in festivals, religious ceremonies, and marriage rituals within its native range.
Many cultures associate jasmine with love (especially weddings), spirituality, beauty, friendship, bestowing accolades, and honouring the dead.
A number of places are associated with jasmine:
- Damascus, Syria, is officially known as “the City of Jasmine”, and its flag/seal bears the image of a jasmine flower;
- The Phillippines adopted Jasmine sambac (sampaguita) as its national flower in 1935. The flowers are present for most special occasions, from photography, welcoming guests, and celebrating victories, through to more significant events like wedding ceremonies and funerals.
- Indonesia adopted Jasmine sambac (melati putih) as its national flower in 1990 - it is used in wedding ceremonies in several native cultures, especially in Java;
- Paskistan also lists Jasminum officinale (chambeli or yasmin) as its national flower. As well as using the flowers in food, medicine, beauty, and decoration, Pakistani couples wear garlands of jasmine and red roses for their wedding.
- In Hawai’i, Jasmine sambac (pikake) flowers are commonly used in
Magical Uses
- Smell jasmine flowers to induce sleep.
- Burn, carry, or wear jasmine flowers to draw wealth.
- Add jasmine to love workings to attract spiritual love.
- Burn jasmine in the bedroom to promote prophetic dreams.
Part Used: Flowers
Extraction Method: Solvent extraction
Flash Point: 89°C
Scent Type: Floral
Perfume Note: Middle/base
Scent Description: Rich, sweet, floral
Note: Jasmine oil is very expensive and usually sold diluted
Aromatherapeutic Uses
Relaxing, uplifting, helps ease depression and stress/anxiety.
Blends well with rose and sandalwood.
- Avoid during pregnancy.
- Can be sensitising: use sparingly and diluted.
The genus Jasminum contains over 200 species with a range of characteristics, including both evergreen and deciduous varieties.
Type: Shrubs or vines
Plant Height: Up to 3m, although vines may climb/spread further
Leaves: Can be opposite or alternate; simple, trifoliate, or pinnate
Flowers: White or yellow, often fragrant. Around 2.5cm in diameter, in clusters of at least 3, with 4-9 petals
Fruit: Small, fleshy, black-ish berries with 1-2 seeds
Etymology: ‘Jasmine’ comes from its name in Persian, yasamin (یاسمن), generally cited as meaning “gift from God”.
In the Garden
Type: Perennial
Sow: Spring
Light: Bright light
Water: Keep moist
Soil: Rich, well-draining
- Harvest flowers early in the morning
- Fertilise in spring before new growth appears
Afshan Mirza (16/09/2021); Jasmine: The National Flower of Pakistan; Popular in Pakistan
Waseem Khan (03/05/2017); Sampaguita: The National Flower of Philippine; ReadNational.com