
Origin: Western Australia
Family: Myrtaceae
Subfamily: Myrtoideae
Tribe: Eucalypteae
Scientific name: Eucalyptus erythrocorys
Folk Names: Red-capped gum, helmet nut gum
Indigenous (Noongar) Names: Illyarrie
Element: Fire
Direction: North
Day: Sunday
Planet: Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Associated celebrations: Reflection
Magical Properties: Health, happiness, courage, energy, creativity, protection, clarity, vitality
Substitutions: Juniper, wattle
Illyarrie is a popular tree for public landscaping due to its size and showy flowers.
Type: Evergreen trees or mallees
Plant size: 3-10m
Bark: Smooth creamy-coloured, with some rough brown patches persisting on the trunk; sheds in short ribbons or small polygonal flakes
Leaves: Glossy green sickle/lance-shaped or curved leaves, 9-20cm long and 1-3cm wide
Flowers: Bunuru: Petals/sepals form a bright red cap (operculum) which detaches to reveal ‘flowers’ of bright yellow fluffy stamens gathered in 4 groups
Fruit: Woody, bell-shaped fruits 3-4cm long and 3-5.5cm wide
Etymology: The species name erythrocorys is taken from the Greek words erythro meaning “red” and korys meaning “helmet” in reference to the bright red operculum.
In the Garden
Type: Mallee/trees
Light: Bright light
Water: Drought-tolerant
Soil: Well-draining
- Prefers limestone/slightly alkaline soils
- Do not stake young plants, as it discourages strong root growth.
- Minimal care required, except occasional watering until established.
- Leaf litter is a fire hazard, due to the high oil content.