
Origin: Eurasia
Family: Asteraceae
Subfamily: Asteroideae
Tribe: Inuleae
Scientific Name: Inula helenium
Folk Names: Elf dock, elfwort, horse-heal, nurse-heal, scabwort, velvet dock, wild sunflower
Element: Air
Day: Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Zodiac: Virgo
Parts used: Root
Magical Properties: Love, protection, psychic skills, luck
- Nicholas Culpeper describes elecampane as under the dominion of Mercury. Among other uses, he states that it resists poison and stops serpent venom from spreading throughout the body - even stopping the plague! He states that “the roots and herbs beaten and put into new ale or beer, and daily drank, clears, strengthens, and quickens the sight of the eyes wonderfully”
Magical Uses
- Burn elecampane in an incense to assist with scrying.