Origin: Eurasia
Family: Apiaceae
Scientific Name: Anethum graveolens
Folk Names: Aneton, dill weed, dilly
Element: Air
Day: Wednesday
Planet: Mercury
Zodiac: Gemini,
Associated Celebrations: Floralia
Deities: Adonis, Bacchus, Dionysus, Kupala
Parts used: Leaf, seed
Magical Properties: Love, conscious mind, clarity, protection, money, purification
Magical Uses
- Sprinkle dill around the bed to protect the sleeper.
- Place dill in the mouth to promote speaking the truth.
- Hang dried seed heads in the home for protection (ideally near the door).
Part Used: Seeds or herb
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Flash Point: 60°C
Scent Type: Spicy
Perfume Note: Middle
Scent Description: Spicy, warm (seeds), sweet (herb)
Aromatherapeutic Uses
Can help with indigestion, colic, and nervous tension.
- Avoid during pregnancy.
Type: Herb
Plant Height: 40-60cm
Stem: Slender, hollow
Leaves: Delicate, finely-divided leaves 10-20cm long
Flowers: Small white/yellow flowers in umbels 2-9cm across
Fruit: Slightly curved seeds 4-5mm long and 1mm across
Etymology: Anethum comes from the Ancient Greek anethum/anisum, which referred to both dill and anise. The name ‘dill’ or variants thereof are used in most Germanic languages.
In the Garden
Type: Annual
Sow: Early spring
Light: Partial shade
Water: Keep moist
Soil: Well-drained
- Seedlings do not like being transplanted.
- Don’t plant near fennel, as they will cross-pollinate.
- Liquid feed will only promote soft growth (attracts pests and diseases).
- Dill will go to seed if it dries out too much - be sure to water regularly in summer.
- Plants are likely to require staking.