
Origin: South/East Asia and Oceania
Family: Rutaceae
Subfamily: Aurantioideae
Scientific Name: Citrus spp.
Selected Varieties:
- Bergamot: Citrus bergamia
- Grapefruit: Citrus paradisi
- Lemon: Citrus limon
- Lime: Citrus limetta
- Mandarin: Citrus reticulata
- Orange/Neroli/Petitgrain: Citrus sinensis
Element: Fire
and water
Direction: North
Day: Sunday
Planet: The Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Associated Celebrations: SumSol
Parts Used: Fruits, flowers, leaves
Magical Properties: Happiness, protection, success, love, purification, creativity, psychic skills, energy
Substitutions: Any of the citrus fruits can be substituted for each other.
According to genetic studies, mandarins appear to be one of the original citrus fruits (along with citrons and pomelos).
Type: Tree
Plant size: up to 8m
Bark: Trunk and major branches have thorns
Leaves: Small, green, shiny leaves
Flowers: Small white flowers, singly or in small groups
Fruit: Orange, round fruits, 4-8cm across. Easy to peel, with segments which come apart easily.
In the Garden
Type: Evergreen tree
Sow: Spring
Light: Full sun
Water: Water regularly
Soil: Well-drained