Bay Laurel

Origin: Mediterranean
Family: Lauraceae
Scientific Name: Laurus nobilis
Folk Names: Baie, bay, Daphne, Grecian laurel, laurel, laurier sauce, lorbeer, noble laurel, Roman laurel, sweet bay, true laurel
Element: Fire
Day: Sunday
Planet: The Sun
Zodiac: Leo
Associated Celebrations: SumSol
Deities: Adonis, Aesculapius, Apollo, Artemis, Buddha, Ceres, Cerridwen, Daphne, Eros, Faunus, Gaia, Helios, Mars, Ra
Parts used: Leaves
Magical Properties: Psychic skills, cleansing, purification, protection, healing, consecration, luck, wishes, exorcism, hex-breaking, strength, prophecy
- Ancient Greece: Bay trees were sacred to the god Apollo.
- When the Apollo fell in love with the mountain nymph Daphne, the pleaded to Gaia for help in escaping him, and she was turned into a bay tree.
- A sacred laurel tree grew inside Apollo’s temple at Delphi, which was tied to the prophecies given by the oracle.
- Laurel wreaths were given to winners of the Pythian games, held in honour of Apollo.
- Nicholas Culpeper associates bay with the Sun and Leo. He notes that is resists witchcraft “very potently”, and that “neither witch nor devil, thunder nor lightning, will hurt a man in the place where a bay tree is”. He lists a large range of medicinal uses for the leaves, berries, roots, and bark.
Magical Uses
- Burn bay leaves to induce visions.
- Use bay in potions for wisdom and clairvoyance.
- Hold a bay leaf in the mouth to ward off bad luck.
- Wear as an amulet to ward off evil and negativity.
- Burn or scatter bay leaves during exorcism rituals.
- Place bay in the windows to protect against lightning.
- Wear a bay leaf as an amulet to ward off negativity and evil.
- Place a bay leaf under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams.
- Use a bay leaf as a protective bookmark for your magical book.
- Write a wish on a bay leaf and burn it to make the wish come true.
- Plant a bay tree near the home protects its inhabitants against sickness.
- Add a handful of bay leaves and aniseed for a good, general cleansing bath.
- Make an incense of bay leaves and sandalwood to remove curses and evil spells.
- Use sprig of bay as an asperger to sprinkle water during purification ceremonies.
- Hang bay leaves to prevent poltergeists from working any mischief in the house.
- Wear a bay leaf during competition for added strength in wrestling and athletic sports.
- To ensure lasting love, a couple should break a twig off a bay tree, then break this in two, each keeping a half.
Harvest at sunrise, while facing east, for maximum effect.
Part Used: Leaves
Extraction Method: Steam distillation
Flash Point: 70°C
Scent Type: Herbaceous
Perfume Note: Middle/top
Scent Description: Fresh, herbaceous scent
Aromatherapeutic Uses
Warming and calming, helpful with muscle pain, circulation, colds/flus.
- Avoid during pregnancy.
- Be cautious with use around children.
- Can cause skin irritation: use only in low dilutions.
- Sensitising: should be used in moderation, and not for more than 2 weeks consecutively.
The genus Laurus contains only 4 species, who are very similar and overlap in many characteristics.
Type: Tree
Plant Height: 7-20m
Leaves: Smooth green leaves 6-12cm long and 2-4cm wide
Flowers: Pale, yellow-green flowers, 1cm across
Fruit: Shiny black, berry-like fruit 1cm across with one seed
In the Garden
Type: Evergreen tree
Sow: Spring
Light: Full sun to part shade
Water: Do not over-water
Soil: Rich, well-drained soil
Companion Planting: Beans
- If grown in containers, fertilise with water-soluble fertiliser every 3 weeks from spring to late summer.
- When growing in pots, allow soil to dry as autumn approaches. Over winter, allow the soil to dry out between watering.
- Re-pot every other spring, gradually moving to slightly larger pots.