
Origin: Iran & surrounds

Family: Rosaceae
Subfamily: Amygdaloideae
Tribe: Amygdaleae
Scientific Name: Prunus dulcis

Folk Names: Amugdalea (Greek), Greek nuts


Element: Air
Day: Friday
Planet: Mercury
Zodiac: Gemini
Associated Celebrations: VernEx
Deities: Attis, Hermes, Jupiter, Mercury, Phyllis, and Zeus

Parts used: Nut (seed)

Magical Properties: Money, love, fertility, divination, prosperity, wisdom

Substitutions: Any other tree nut


In Iran, almonds were used to cure insomnia, to stimulate lactation in breastfeeding mothers, to relieve headaches, and to guard against the evil eye.

In Greek mythology, the god Attis was said to have been born of an almond.

In the Late Medieval Mediterranean, almonds were an important commodity. The Knights Templar required almonds as tithes, and almond branches were the rod of choice for medieval magicians, as well as for use as divining rods in Tuscany.

Throughout Europe, almonds were believed to be symbols of good luck, and were given as weddings for long life and happiness. Candied almonds are still a traditional gift to guests at Italian weddings.

Magical Uses


Part Used: Nut kernel
Extraction Method: Cold-pressed
Flash Point: 280°C

Perfume Use: Base oil
Shelf Life: 9-12 months
Scent Description: Faintly almond, nutty

Active Constituents: Rich in oleic acid (64-82%)

Aromatherapeutic Uses

Almond oil is a non-greasy, moisturising, softening, and soothing oil, when used on the skin. It is absorbed well, but not too quickly.

Almond oil is a good base for massage and anointing oils.

Topical Use

Skin Types: All
Absorption Rate: Medium
Viscosity: Medium

Properties: Emollient, skin softening, boosts immune function of skin, anti-inflammatory, healing, improves skin tone.

Warnings: Likely to cause a reaction in those with nut allergies.



As well as being eaten as itself (raw or toasted), almond is the core ingredient in a number of food and beverages. It is also used to make products such as almond butter, flour, and milk.

Almond is a core ingredient in marzipan, nougat, macarons, as well as many other baked goods and desserts.


Sweet almond oil is frequently used in cosmetics, and as a carrier oil in many different applications.


Type: Deciduous tree
Plant size: 4-10m
Bark: Purple/green, fading to grey
Leaves: 8-13cm long, 2.5cm wide, with serrated edges.
Flowers: Djilba: White/pale pink, 3-5cm across with 5 petals
Fruit: 3-6cm long, green downy fruit, with a leathery flesh, with a hard hull in the centre protecting a seed (nut).

Etymology: From the Greek word amygdale, meaning ‘almond’. The amygdala (in the brain) is named for its almond-like shape.

In the Garden

Type: Tree
Plant: Winter
Light: Bright light
Soil: Rich, light soil, with lots of organic matter

Companion Planting: Clovers and other legumes contribute to soil fertility and attract pollinators.
