Creating a Wheel of the Year

Sunday April 21, 2019

I’ve been struggling with this “Wheel of the Year” concept for quite a while. I live in the Southern Hemisphere, with a very different natural and agricultural pattern to the Northern Hemisphere (which doesn’t get any closer when you flip it), in an area with 6 distinct seasons, and I just get more confused the more I think about it.

So I did what I do best, I got out a protractor and a ruler and some coloured pencils and I mapped it. Maths and colours are how I make the universe make sense. So I “roughly scribbled” out my year:

Quick sketch of a wheel of the year

I’ve put the months, the seasons, the Wiccan sabbats (I was planning to observe the solstices/equinoxes, but uncertain on the others, so I threw them in for now), and then mapped all the relevant major holidays and events I could think of around the outside.

Having everything mapped out visually is already making it make so much more sense, so I’m excited to see where everything goes from here!

I wound up making a neater sketch afterward:

Neater sketch of a wheel of the year

Previous: Wheel of the Year… with 6 Seasons?

Next: Working on my Wheel of the Year